B6DR Working Border Collies


"Willing Heart, Sharp Eye Keen Mind; For Work or for Play"

The Astounding Ranch Hand

These are a few pictures of the of them working; we have pulled all but these pictures of our adults working or playing around from the site. We will no longer be sharing all our border collie's photos or pedigrees online; but as we have puppies we will share a few pictures of the adults that are the parents. If you are interested, we will happily share more pictures and pedigrees of the parents, in our correspondence about a litter. 


Please click to send an to info@bar6diamondranch.com or info@bar6diamondranch.com or fill in the CONTACT FORM.









B6DR  border collies, border collies for sale, imported border collies lines, border collie puppies for sale, working border collies, agility, stock dogs, herding border collie pups, herding border collie puppies

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